Get the inside scoop on one of the fastest-growing data management systems! At PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2024, keynote speaker Hannes Mühleisen will delve into the story behind DuckDB, its transition from academic origins to open-source phenomenon, and the unique dynamics of developing popular software within academia.

About the Talk

DuckDB's rise in popularity is a compelling example of open-source success. In his talk, "Safe Space or Trap? Creating Software like DuckDB in Academic Institutions", Hannes will dissect the advantages and complexities of this environment. He'll discuss DuckDB's inception at CWI (the birthplace of Python!) and the subsequent formation of DuckDB Labs, offering a blueprint for innovation.

About Hannes

Hannes Mühleisen wears multiple hats with distinction. As the creator of DuckDB, CEO of DuckDB Labs, and Professor of Data Engineering at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, he possesses a 360-degree view of analytical data management. His insights span from the theoretical foundations to the real-world impact of open-source solutions.

Why You Should Attend

This talk is a must for developers intrigued by DuckDB, those interested in the intersection of academia and open-source, and anyone curious about building successful software projects. Hannes's firsthand experience will provide valuable lessons on nurturing innovation within institutional settings.

Hannes Mühleisen