(PyLadies Pane) Reflecting Within: Challenging Narratives in Tech Feminism
Paloma Oliveira

Join us for the PyLadies Panel at the conference in Berlin, it will be great!

525 days working full-time on FOSS: lessons learned
Rodrigo Girão Serrão

Rodrigo has been working full-time on FOSS for 525. Join him as he shares some of the key lessons he learned during that time.

Acknowledging Women’s Contributions in the Python Community Through Podcast
Cheuk Ting Ho, Tereza Iofciu

In the Python podcast community, women are still underrepresented, making up only 17% of invited guests among the popular podcast series. We’ll share how you can further help out cause in improving representation and diversity in the Python community.

Analyzing COVID-19 Protest Movements: A Multidimensional Approach Using Geo-Social Media Data
Nefta Kanilmaz

Understanding protest movements through multi-dimensional geo-social media data analysis.

Boost your app to Flash speed by mastering performance tricks
Laysa Uchoa, Yuliia Barabash

If you're keen to move beyond basic optimizations and truly understand what happens under Python's hood during application execution, this session is for you.Boost your app to Flash speed by mastering performance tricks by @laysauchoa and @yuliia_barabash

Can ChatGPT convince you to get a COVID19 vaccine? Comparing ChatGPT to an expert system - which one is more convincing?
Dr. Lisa Andreevna Chalaguine

Comparison between ChatGPT and Domain-Specific Expert System - which is more convincing in getting people to vaccinate against COVID-19?

Climate Crisis in Numbers
Robert Meyer

Climate Crisis is Numbers: A data nerd's guide to global warming

Community Conferences under the Hood. Perspectives and Best Practices in Volunteer Organization
Florian Wilhelm, Alexander CS Hendorf, Valentina Scipione, Lais Carvalho

Joins us for Community Conferences under the Hood. Perspectives and Best Practices in Volunteer Organization

Connecting batteries with Python: Towards EV Charging with #zero emissions at #zero costs
Christopher Bock

Learn how Python helps us at The Mobility House in integrating EV batteries into the power grid, enabling further use and growth of renewable energies, stabilizing power grids and enhancing the accessibility of electric mobility.

How to embrace your Leadership role as a Data Nerd (or other creative types)
Paula Gonzalez Avalos

Is it possible to find a Leadership role rewarding as a creative hands-on work driven person? In this talk I’ll talk about my journey from Data Scientist into management and how - after a transition period - I learned to embraced and ultimately really like the new Head roles.

Keynote - A View From My Window - An Outside Perspective of Open Source Scientific Computing From the Inside
Leah Silen

A View From My Window - An Outside Perspective of Open Source Scientific Computing From the Inside

Keynote - Safe Space or Trap? Creating Software like DuckDB in Academic Institutions
Hannes Mühleisen

In my talk, I will discuss DuckDB, its origins, and the unique benefits and challenges of maintaining popular software in an academic setting.

Keynote - Ten Key Questions that a Company Should Ask to have Responsible AI
Ricardo Baeza-Yates

Ten Key Questions that a Company Should Ask to have Responsible AI

Keynote - The art and science of tending open source orchards
Inessa Pawson

Behind every large OSS project is a resilient contributor community. Is there a blueprint for it? How about a script for scaling or a formula for contributor retention? In this talk, Inessa shares her insight on the art and science of fostering resilient communities.

Prescriptive Analytics in the Python Ecosystem with Gurobi
Robert Luce

Learn how to do Prescriptive Analytics in the Python Ecosystem with Gurobi

Public Money, Public Experiment - open source processes in the public administration
Lisa Reiber

Imagine a data lab in a federal ministry wants to publish code and share it - how long could it possibly take? Take a guess and come to the talk to find out.

Replacing Callbacks with Generators: A Case Study in Computer-Assisted Live Music
Matthieu Amiguet

How we made our code more readable by replacing intricated callback-based code with much more readable generators. Also a great example of using python in an unexpected domain: realtime audio processing for live music!

Tailored and Trending: Key learnings from 3 years of news recommendations
Dr. Christian Leschinski

Diving into the world of recommendations! Learn how we overcome the special challenges of recommending news at Axel Springer NMT by using simple statistics.

The Secret Life of Metaclasses
Luciano Ramalho, Leonardo Rochael Almeida

The secret life of Metaclasses, a tour of Python metaprogramming concepts for novices

Time series anomaly detection with a human-in-the-loop
Philipp Millet

In the cross-industry wide trend towards industry 4.0 solutions, the amount of gathered sensor data is ever growing. Through the sheer amount of data, manual or human-based monitoring of the collected time series data becomes cumbersome if not even impossible.

When and how to start coding with kids
Anna-Lena Popkes

Have you always wondered when and how to start coding with your kid? This talk will shed light on all your questions, giving concrete advice on how to get started.
