Advanced Observability with OpenTelemetry and Python
Anton Caceres

Facing observability challenges in Python microservices? 🐍 ☁️ Learn how #OpenTelemetry can streamline your system monitoring in cloud environments. We're diving into its Python SDK integration, showcasing real-world implementation for enhanced efficiency.

Async Awaits: Mastering Asynchronous Python in FastAPI
Bojan Miletic

Gear up for 'Async Awaits: Mastering Asynchronous Python in FastAPI' 🚀. Discover the power of async/await in #Python and learn how to supercharge your web apps with #FastAPI. Perfect for developers eager to excel in modern web development! 🌐 #TechTalk #AsyncPython #WebDev

AsyncApp. My contribution to hype Pythons asyncio a bit more
Jens Nie

Asyncio based code is still not the go-to solution for many when starting new Python projects. Let me show you a simple and attractive asyncio based approach for console applications to address that.

Better safe than sorry: Threat Modeling for Python Developers
Clemens Hübner

Is your code secure enough? Find out by doing Threat Modeling!

Beyond Deployment: Exploring Machine Learning Inference Architectures and Patterns
Tim Elfrink

"Beyond Deployment: Exploring Machine Learning Inference Architectures and Patterns" - uncover the ML inference strategies that power StepStone's success and learn to scale your models with confidence!

Boost your app to Flash speed by mastering performance tricks
Laysa Uchoa, Yuliia Barabash

If you're keen to move beyond basic optimizations and truly understand what happens under Python's hood during application execution, this session is for you.Boost your app to Flash speed by mastering performance tricks by @laysauchoa and @yuliia_barabash

Bridging the worlds: pixi reimplements pip and conda in Rust
Wolf Vollprecht, Ruben Arts

pixi is an awesome new package manager that combines the power of conda & pip.

Bulletproof Python - Property-Based Testing with Hypothesis
Michael Seifert

Less is more! Rather than working harder and write more test code, property-based testing forces you to work smarter and cover more cases with fewer tests. Join Michael for his Tutorial "Bulletproof Python - Property-Based Testing with Hypothesis"

DDataflow: An open-source end-to-end testing framework for ML pipelines
Theodore Meynard, Jean Machado

Explore our talk on DDataflow, a tool transforming ML pipeline testing. It streamlines the process with decentralized data sampling, tackling prolonged development and latent errors in large, complex datasets.

Deploying your Python application to Android
Shyamnath Premnadh

Current state of deploying Python applications to Android with a comparison of the current available frameworks.

Django loves strawberries
Arthur Bayr

Explore the dynamic duo of GraphQL Strawberry and Django in an immersive workshop! Discover the seamless integration of Strawberry with Django, mastering type definitions, queries and mutations.

Encoding Charactersets - may the force be with you
Martin Hoermann

Understanding and repairing garbled text (Mojibake) with Python

Functional Python
Mike Müller

Learn how to integrate functional features into your daily Python programming.

Green Software Engineering

Green Software Engineering and the concept of sustainability

How to Improve the Python Development Experience for Millions of Ubuntu Users
Jürgen Gmach

Have you ever tried to install a different Python version on Ubuntu or tried to upgrade your current one? This talk will explain why this is hard, and introduce the available options in-depth, and give an outlook what Ubuntu could do in the future to make our lives easier.

I achieved peak performance in python, here's how ...
Dishant Sethi

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, crafting code that not only functions flawlessly but also operates at peak performance is a skill that sets exceptional developers apart. This talk delves into the art of optimizing Python code, exploring techniques and stra

Leveraging the Art of Parallel Unit Testing in Django
Azan Bin Zahid, Syed Ansab Waqar Gillani

Unlocking the power of parallel unit testing with Python and Django! 🚀

Mojo 🔥 - Is it Python's faster cousin or just hype?
Jamie Coombes

"Chris Lattner's Mojo promised to revolutionize AI dev with 68k times speed & Python ease. One year later, we dissect its reality—can it outshine Rust & Julia, or is it just hype? #PyData #MojoLanguage #PythonCousin"

No More Raw SQL: SQLAlchemy, ORMs & asyncio
Aya Elsayed, Rhythm Patel

Learn how to use SQLAlchemy, a powerful SQL toolkit, to interact with your database. Leverage SQLAlchemy’s Object Relational Mapper (ORM) system, and explore SQLAlchemy’s asyncio extension for your async services.

Performant, scientific computation in Python and Rust
Stefan Ulbrich

A tutorial session on how to build scientific package for numerical calculus algorithm in Python and Rust.

PyO3 101 - Writing Python modules in Rust
Cheuk Ting Ho

In this interactive workshop, we will cover the very basics of using PyO3. There will be hands-on exercises to go from how to set up the project environment to writing a "toy" Python library written in Rust using PyO3.

pytest tips and tricks for a better testsuite
Florian Bruhin

pytest lets you write simple tests fast - but also scales to very complex scenarios: Beyond the basics of no-boilerplate test functions, this training will show various intermediate/advanced features, as well as gems and tricks.

Python 3.12's new monitoring and debugging API
Johannes Bechberger

Python 3.12 got a new debugging and monitoring API. Learn in this talk why it will change debugging forever.

Python Monorepos: The Polylith Developer Experience
David Vujic

What if writing software would be more like building with LEGO bricks, and have a more playful developer experience. Polylith solves this in a nice and simple way. I’ll walk through the simple Architecture & the Developer friendly tooling for a joyful Python Experience.

Refactoring Large Programs
Dr. Kristian Rother

Refactor a large Python program that is undocumented, unstructured and untested

Replacing Callbacks with Generators: A Case Study in Computer-Assisted Live Music
Matthieu Amiguet

How we made our code more readable by replacing intricated callback-based code with much more readable generators. Also a great example of using python in an unexpected domain: realtime audio processing for live music!

Robust Configuration Management with Pydantic's Data Validation
Philipp Stephan

How Pydantic's strong data validation based on type annotations can help build a strict spec for your configuration format, catch misconfiguration early, and mitigate the aforementioned problems with a non-formalized configuration management system.

Securing Python: Race Condition Vulnerabilities
Shahriyar Rzayev

Explore and secure Python code against race condition vulnerabilities

Streamlining Python Development: A Guide to a Modern Project Setup
Florian Wilhelm

🚀 Streamlining Python Development: A Guide to a Modern Project Setup. We'll explore tools like Hatch, mypy, and ruff, and dive into efficient project setups. Perfect for Python beginners!

Streamlining Python Development: A Practical Approach to CI/CD with GitHub Actions
Artem Kislovskiy

Learn how continuous integration/delivery boosts project resilience to Python updates and packaging changes. Automate for peace of mind, better code, and seamless collaboration.

The key to reliability - Testing in the field of ML-Ops
Gunar Maiwald, Tobias Senst presents its holistic approach for testing in machine learning

The Secret Life of Metaclasses
Luciano Ramalho, Leonardo Rochael Almeida

The secret life of Metaclasses, a tour of Python metaprogramming concepts for novices

Unleashing Confidence in SQL Development through Unit Testing
Tobias Lampert

Confidently ship changes to your SQL data model by validating logic with a SQL unit testing framework. Our framework, powered by pytest, ensures robust deployments, making data model evolution a breeze.

Unlock the Power of Dev Containers: Build a Consistent Python Development Environment in Seconds!
Thomas Fraunholz

Unlock the Power of Dev Containers: Say goodbye to the hassle and build a Consistent Python Development Environment in Seconds!

Which kind of software tests do I really need?
Pascal Puchtler

Explore a variety of software testing methodologies, from Manual and A/B Testing to Unit and Performance Tests. Learn how to make informed decisions for enhanced software delivery, matching the unique needs of your projects.

You shall not pass! 🧙 Strengthen your python code against attacks.
Antonia Scherz, Roman Krafft

You shall not pass! Make your Python code strong against attacks.

µDjango, an asynchronous microservices technique.
Maxim Danilov

Django - the new trend in creating asynchronous Python microservices.
