Advanced Observability with OpenTelemetry and Python
Anton Caceres

Facing observability challenges in Python microservices? 🐍 ☁️ Learn how #OpenTelemetry can streamline your system monitoring in cloud environments. We're diving into its Python SDK integration, showcasing real-world implementation for enhanced efficiency.

AsyncApp. My contribution to hype Pythons asyncio a bit more
Jens Nie

Asyncio based code is still not the go-to solution for many when starting new Python projects. Let me show you a simple and attractive asyncio based approach for console applications to address that.

Best of both worlds - How we built an AI-aided content creation tool for language learning
Lea Petters, Hector Hernandez

Dive into the fusion of human intelligence & AI at Babbel! Explore our journey in crafting an AI-aided content creation tool for personalized language learning. #LanguageLearning #AI #LLMs

Better safe than sorry: Threat Modeling for Python Developers
Clemens Hübner

Is your code secure enough? Find out by doing Threat Modeling!

Beyond Deployment: Exploring Machine Learning Inference Architectures and Patterns
Tim Elfrink

"Beyond Deployment: Exploring Machine Learning Inference Architectures and Patterns" - uncover the ML inference strategies that power StepStone's success and learn to scale your models with confidence!

Breaking AI Boundaries: Fairness Metrics in Unstructured Data Domains
Daniel Klitzke

Exploring the need for fairness in machine learning in indirect human impact areas, proposing solutions for challenges in unstructured data.

Bridging the Gap: From Analytical Models to Operational Success
Ignacio Vergara, Nick Harmening

Putting ML models in productions is not as simple as it sounds. Learn how we bridge the chasm between analytics and production.

Bridging the worlds: pixi reimplements pip and conda in Rust
Wolf Vollprecht, Ruben Arts

pixi is an awesome new package manager that combines the power of conda & pip.

Building accessible documentation sites
Dr. Tania Allard

Come learn how you can make your tools and documentation more accessible and usable by disabled end-users and contributors

Building Professional Voice AI with Vocode
Lev Konstantinovskiy

Meet Vocode, an open-source framework for AI voice agents. We'll cover its integration of speech APIs, LLMs, and conversation etiquette in real-world applications. #OpenSource #AI #VoiceAgents

Encoding Charactersets - may the force be with you
Martin Hoermann

Understanding and repairing garbled text (Mojibake) with Python

Exploring Zarr: From Fundamentals to Version 3.0 and Beyond
Sanket Verma

Hi all! I’ll discuss Zarr, an open-source data format for storing chunked, compressed N-dimensional arrays. We’ll explore the Zarr ecosystem from fundamentals to V3.0 and beyond. If you’re interested in storing massive datasets, please attend my talk. Thanks!

From LLM as oracle to LLM as translator - our journey from theory to everyday’s practice in a corporate setting with dmGPT (and python)
Emma Haley, Niklas Lederer

Learn how dm-drogeriemarkt put LLMs in production and implemented a day-to-day assistant for everyone.

Going beyond Parquet's default settings – be surprised what you can get
Uwe L. Korn

Only ever used pandas.to_parquet? Would you like to know what it does and how you could make it even more efficient? Find out about Parquet's newest features in this talk.

Green Software Engineering

Green Software Engineering and the concept of sustainability

Haystack 2.0: the story of a rewrite
Silvano Cerza

To rewrite or not to rewrite, that is the question. Come and find out why we decided to rewrite Haystack from scratch to make it the best AI framework in the world!

How Python helped us uncover secrets of protein motion
Zoran Štefanić, Boris Gomaz

Uncovering protein motion by leveraging awsome Python tools.

How to Improve the Python Development Experience for Millions of Ubuntu Users
Jürgen Gmach

Have you ever tried to install a different Python version on Ubuntu or tried to upgrade your current one? This talk will explain why this is hard, and introduce the available options in-depth, and give an outlook what Ubuntu could do in the future to make our lives easier.

Improve LLM-based Applications with Fallback Mechanisms
Bilge Yücel

RAG handles common issues in LLM applications, but a dependable system requires one more step: a fallback mechanism. Explore the implementation of LLM applications with diverse fallback techniques using Haystack in Bilge's insightful talk.

Is GenAI All You Need to Classify Text? Some Learnings from the Trenches
Marc Palyart, Kateryna Budzyak

GenAI is sometimes touted as the panacea for all natural language processing (NLP) tasks. This presentation explores a practical text classification scenario at Malt, highlighting the practical hurdles encountered when employing GenAI and how we overcame these obstacles.

Jupyter Notebooks for Print Media
Tim Paine

Jupyter Notebooks as a platform to create books, magazine and newspaper articles, and other print media

Lessons learned from deploying Machine Learning in an old-fashioned heavy industry
Robert Meyer

Cement is responsible for about 8% of worldwide carbon emissions. Let me tell you about lessons learned decarbonizing the industry with Machine Learning.

Lose your fear of equations!
Darina Goldin

Learn to read equations like an engineer and lose your fear of math

Missing Data, Bayesian Imputation and People Analytics with PyMC
Nathaniel Forde

Hierarchical structures are everywhere in business! Ever wondered how trickle-down management missteps drive non-response bias in Employee Engagement? Model the hierarchy, model the missing-ness with PyMC!

No More Raw SQL: SQLAlchemy, ORMs & asyncio
Aya Elsayed, Rhythm Patel

Learn how to use SQLAlchemy, a powerful SQL toolkit, to interact with your database. Leverage SQLAlchemy’s Object Relational Mapper (ORM) system, and explore SQLAlchemy’s asyncio extension for your async services.

Pandas + Dask DataFrame 2.0 - Comparison to Spark, DuckDB and Polars
Florian Jetter, Patrick Hoefler

Dask DataFrame is fast now - The re-implementation of DataFrames in Dask is fast, reliable and fun.

Put your RAG to the test: Component-per-component evaluation of our LLM-powered airplane manufacturing assistant
Nataliia Kees

This talk discusses the topic of component-wise evaluation of RAG-based applications on the example of the airplane manufacturing assistant developed at Airbus using open source Python libraries paired with Google Vertex AI.

PyCon Community Backstage: A Decade of Camaraderie, Growth, and Lessons Learned
Alexander CS Hendorf

A joyful journey through a decade in the Python community: contributing, leadership, magic, personal and professional growth!

PyO3 101 - Writing Python modules in Rust
Cheuk Ting Ho

In this interactive workshop, we will cover the very basics of using PyO3. There will be hands-on exercises to go from how to set up the project environment to writing a "toy" Python library written in Rust using PyO3.

RAG for a medical company: the technical and product challenges
Noé Achache

While developing a Proof-Of-Concept RAG is widely accessible, creating a performant version that truly adds value remains a challenge. We willl share our learnings from building a RAG for a medical company, aiding doctors with drug documentation.

Reinforcement Learning: Bridging The Gap Between Research and Applications
Michael Panchenko

Reinforcement learning (RL) has untapped potential for industry. This talk presents Tianshou, an open-source library with interfaces facilitating both industrial RL applications and new algorithm research, with the dual goals of accelerating progress and adoption.

Safeguarding Privacy and Mitigating Vulnerabilities: Navigating Security Challenges in Generative AI
John Robert

How to protect and secure your data will using LLM and Generative AI. Your data privacy and security is importance.

Streamlining Python Development: A Guide to a Modern Project Setup
Florian Wilhelm

🚀 Streamlining Python Development: A Guide to a Modern Project Setup. We'll explore tools like Hatch, mypy, and ruff, and dive into efficient project setups. Perfect for Python beginners!

That’s it?! Dealing with unexpected data problems
Simon Pressler

That’s it?! How to deal with unexpected data quality and quantity issues

The AI Revolution Will Not Be Monopolized: How open-source beats economies of scale, even for LLMs
Ines Montani

Are we heading further into a black box era with larger and larger models, obscured behind APIs controlled by big tech monopolies? I don’t think so, and in this talk, I’ll show you why.

The evolution of Feature Stores
Olamilekan Wahab

Feature Stores have become an important component of the machine learning lifecycle. They have been particularly pivotal in bridging the gap between data engineering and machine learning workflows(experimentation, training and serving). This talk will explore Feature Stores with

The pragmatic Pythonic data engineer
Robson Junior

Learn to make practical decisions in data engineering with Python's vast ecosystem. Avoid blindly following market guidelines and consider the reality of your situation for better performance and architecture

The Secret Life of Metaclasses
Luciano Ramalho, Leonardo Rochael Almeida

The secret life of Metaclasses, a tour of Python metaprogramming concepts for novices

There is a Better Way to Automate and Manage Your (Fluid) Simulations
Julian Wagenschütz

Exploring the integration of Python into Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) workflows: While shell scripts are ubiquitous, they face challenges in CAE, particularly in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Python + DVC provides a robust alternative to manage simulations at scale.

Unlock the Power of Dev Containers: Build a Consistent Python Development Environment in Seconds!
Thomas Fraunholz

Unlock the Power of Dev Containers: Say goodbye to the hassle and build a Consistent Python Development Environment in Seconds!

Using LLMs to Create Knowledge Graphs From a Large Corpus of Parliamentary Debates

This talk demonstrates how we can intuitively analyze political debates using knowledge graphs created using LLMs.

When and how to start coding with kids
Anna-Lena Popkes

Have you always wondered when and how to start coding with your kid? This talk will shed light on all your questions, giving concrete advice on how to get started.

Which kind of software tests do I really need?
Pascal Puchtler

Explore a variety of software testing methodologies, from Manual and A/B Testing to Unit and Performance Tests. Learn how to make informed decisions for enhanced software delivery, matching the unique needs of your projects.

Would you rely on ChatGPT to dial 911? A talk on balancing determinism and probabilism in production machine learning systems
Nicolas Guenon des Mesnards

Combining deterministic and probabilistic models to boost ML system robustness. Learn their benefits and applications in AI, backed by NLP case studies. #AIInnovation #MLTech #RobustAI

µDjango, an asynchronous microservices technique.
Maxim Danilov

Django - the new trend in creating asynchronous Python microservices.

🌳 The taller the tree, the harder the fall. Determining tree height from space using Deep Learning and very high resolution satellite imagery 🛰️
Ferdinand Schenck

🌳 The taller the tree, the harder the fall. Measuring tree height from space using Deep Learning 🛰️
